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16 associations of the Italian agrifood production chain, united for innovation

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Agrofarma was founded in October 1987. It is one of the 17 Associations of Federchimica (the Italian Chemical Industry Federation), representing agripharma businesses, producing products that protect crops against animal and plant parasites. Agripharma supports the interests of the segment and informs the public opinion about crop protection products as allies of nature and necessary for good and productive agriculture. Agrofarma’s member companies are committed to adhere closely to a self-imposed Code of Conduct, and to respect the principles indicated by the FAO concerning both production and distribution of crop protection products in the world, as well as carrying out the necessary controls to verify their effects and consequences. At the international level, Agrofarma is a member of the ECPA (European Crop Protection Association), the European branch of CropLife International.


Visit the Agrofarma website





Founded in 1986, AISA (the Italian Association of Animal Health Businesses) represents Italian and multinational companies in the animal health sector, active in segments producing pharmaceuticals for domestic and commercially raised animals and products for animal nutrition. AISA’s objective is to enhance and distribute knowledge about animal health care products, favoring their proper prescription and use, improve animal health and welfare and the adoption of regulations regarding veterinary pharmaceuticals. AISA is aware that animal health has a direct impact on human health and on food safety. Responsibility towards consumers is thus a constant commitment for the association, which promotes research and technological innovation in the development of quality veterinary pharmaceuticals while at the same time coordinating the informative communication on the specificity and the responsible use of veterinary pharmaceuticals. There are 21 member companies in AISA at present. In Italy, AISA is a member of Confindustria and Federchimica, and, at the European and intercontinental level, also of Animal Health Europe.


Visit the AISA website






Assalzoo is the Italian national association of animal food producers that brings together more than 120 companies, accounting for ca.  75% of the production of the Italian animal nutrition industry. Assalzoo pursues several objectives: to protect the union-related, economic and fiscal interests of their members and, more generally, those of the industry as a whole; to discuss and stipulate interprofessional agreements and collective labor contracts; to represent its members in their relations with the public administration, and national and international agencies, bodies and organizations, promoting and coordinating technical initiatives aimed at developing the animal nutrition industry; to realize specific initiatives regarding internal communication, to guarantee member companies a constant flow of information. Assalzoo also promotes a coherent program of scientific initiatives - Conferences, Workshops, Seminars – to analyze regulatory, market and fiscal issues relevant to the sector and spread information about best practices in the production of animal food.


Visit the Assalzoo website






ASSICA (Association of Industrial Meat and Cured Meat Producers) is the Italian industry association that, as part of Confindustria, represents producers of deli meats, pork butchers and other meat processors. Since 1946, ASSICA has helped businesses grow, supporting one of the traditional segments of Italian food production in its efforts to face the challenges of a changing market.

Headquartered in Milan, ASSICA collaborates with public institutions, national and international, to define a regulatory framework that favors the sector’s development, provides information on economic and regulatory developments as well as daily support to its member companies with financial, sanitary, technical, regulatory and legal assistance, labor negotiations and export procedures. In addition, in collaboration with the Istituto Valorizzazione Salumi Italiani [Institute for the Valorization of Italian Cured Meats], it promotes the image of deli meats in Italy and abroad.


Visit the Assica website






Assitol (Italian Association of Oil Producers), with several offices in Italy, Europe and the world, protects the interests of industrial producers of fats and oils and their commercial products. Assitol was formed in 1972 from the merger of the three previous associations representing the segments of olive oil, vegetable seed oil, margarine and related products. The association is part of the industrial representation system and is a member of Confindustria, Confindustria Energia, Federalimentare as well as European and international organizations pertaining to the segments represented.

Assitol’s mission is to promote collective bargaining and agreements for each segment, as well as interprofessional agreements with other organizations in the agrifood production chain, assist member companies in solving specific problems, monitor the performance of single subsegments, compile statistics and conduct research on the market segments it represents.


Visit the Assitol websites




Assobiotec (the Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnologies) represents 130 companies and specific technological and scientific clusters operating in Italy in the different biotech sectors: health care, agriculture, the environment and industrial processes. The association includes companies of different sizes and in different sectors, but that are strongly united in favor of innovation and the application of biotechnology, considering it a strategic lever for growth in every industrial area.

Formed in 1986 within Federchimica, Assobiotec is a founding member of EuropaBio and the International Council of Biotechnology Associations.

Its mission is to stimulate and support biotechnological innovation for value creation, promoting opportunities for economic growth and job creation, in addition to the cultural and scientific development of the country. Assobiotec’s strategic objective is thus to contribute actively to the definition and creation of an ecosystem that will promote research and technological innovation, adequately fund innovation and attract investment in the Italian biotech sector.


Visit the Assobiotec website






Formed in 1985, Assofertilizzanti (Italian Association of Fertilizer Producers) is a member of Federchimica and protects and represents all the leading fertilizer manufacturers, with members accounting for over 90% of the national market.

AAssofertilizzanti draws up the technical, legal and normative guidelines pertinent to the production and use of fertilizers and promotes them before the public authorities, entrepreneurial organizations, the world of communications and the scientific community. In addition, the association funds economic studies, invests in research and development and supports young Italian researchers who contribute to the country’s scientific and technological development.

The objective of Assofertilizzanti is to promote the maintenance and development of products and technologies and favor the study, production and commercialization of products and technologies that are effective and safe, protecting consumers and the environment, promoting accurate communication on the main issues pertinent to the sector, and building an open and transparent dialogue with public opinion.


Visit the Assofertilizzanti website





Assosementi (Italian Seed Association) is a sectoral association that represents the seed industry at the national level.

The association’s mission is to raise awareness and inform the institutions and public opinion on issues affecting the sector, such as the value of a certified seed and traceability of production, research and innovation through improvement of plant genomes, the protection of crop biodiversity, environmental sustainability, seed dressing and food safety.

Assosementi has 151 members, subdivided into five sections that include all the segments of seed production in Italy: Grass grains; Forage plants and turf; Industrial crops; Garden seeds; Breeders.

Assosementi is a member of ESA, the European seed association, and of ISF, the corresponding international seed federation.


Visit the Assosementi website






CIA (Italian Farming Confederation) is one of the leading professional agricultural organizations in Europe. It represents over 900,000 members, mostly farmers and agribusinesses, and is present throughout the country with regional, provincial and local offices in ca. 5,000 municipalities. In addition, it has a European office in Brussels. The CIA includes associations, institutes and companies that provide services and assistance to members and their businesses. CIA members also include product associations that operate in the interests of the different agricultural sectors.

The CIA carries out initiatives and activities in the areas of quality, safety, nutritional information, environmental protection and promotion, organic farming and alternative energy sources.

At the European and international level, the CIA is a member of Copa (European Committee of Professional Farming Organizations) and of OMA (World Farmers’ Organization).


Visit the CIA website





Confagricoltura is the organization that represents and protects Italian agribusinesses. It recognizes the professional farmer as the leading player in production and pursues the economic, technological and social development of agriculture and agribusinesses.

Confagricoltura is present throughout Italy, with regional federations, provincial unions, local offices and municipal delegations, as well as through trade and product Federations. Headquartered in Rome, the Association also has offices in Brussels and other EU countries.

Confagricoltura is a member of the CNEL (National Council of Economy and Labor) and is represented in all the main institutional organizations, national and international, directly related to agriculture, as well as actively participating in collective bargaining between the government and labor unions.

It is a member of COPA (Committee of European Agricultural Organizations), GEOPA (European Coordination of Employer Organizations) and CES (European Economic and Social Committee).


Visit the Confagricoltura website






Unaitalia is the industry association that protects and promotes the Italian agrifood production chains of poultry and eggs and represents the corresponding businesses in their relations with institutions and public administrations, as well as economic, political, labor union and social organizations at the local, national, European and international levels.

At the national level, Unaitalia is a member of Fedagri/Confcooperative, but also collaborates productively and systematically with other agricultural organizations, such as Confagricoltura, Assica and Assocarni.

In Europe, it is a member of Avec (European Association of Poultry Farmers), Elpha (Association of Breeders and Incubators), Efpra (European Association of By-Products of Animal Origin) and Erpa (European Association of Rural and Organic Producers), and participates in the activities of the Copa Cogeca for the poultry and pork sectors. It is also an active member of the International Poultry Council (IPC) and the International Egg Commission (IEC), the associations that represent, respectively, the world’s producers of poultry and eggs.


Visit the Unaitalia website





UNICEB (Union of Importers, Exporters, Manufacturers, Agents, Wholesalers, Fatteners, Butchers and Shippers of Meats, Cattle and related products) is the organization that protects and promotes the interests of the various players in the beef industry, from breeding to the sale of the final product, at the national, European and international level.

The Union has more than 160 member companies, in the most representative Italian agrifood sector in products of animal origin.




Unionzucchero (National Union of Sugar Producers) brings together the Italian sugar producers and represents the segment in its relations with national and European institutions and the EU. In addition, it manages relationships with other national and European associations, commissioning studies, analyses and reports, statistical surveys and the like on issues affecting the segment, oversees the segment’s industrial relations, stipulates the national collective agreements for industry workers and the company contracts, in addition to collecting and processing data and information of interest to the segment.

Unionzucchero is a member of Federalimentare, is part of the Confindustria system and is active in the European trade association, CEFS (European Committee of Sugar Producers).


Visit the Unionzucchero website





Founded in 1980 in Bologna, Compag is the national federation of businesses dealing in farm equipment for specialized productions, gardening and home use. In addition, it collects, stores and markets agricultural raw materials. It is active in: the sale of crop protection products, fertilizers, seeds and animal feed, as well as grains and oil seeds; the sale of products for vegetable patches and gardens; consulting and technical assistance.


Visit the Compag





Since 1964, alongside Italian fish farmers, API's aim has been the protection, development and consolidation of all fish farming activities both in inland and brackish sea waters. The Association promotes all interventions in the economic, scientific, technical, insurance, professional, trade union and legal fields that are necessary to achieve this objective. 


Visit the API website





Copagri is a professional agricultural organization with a general vocation, present throughout the national territory, with a national office, 20 regional offices, 77 provincial offices, 261 municipal offices and more than 650 thousand members. Founded as a coordination of professional organizations in 1991, it became the Confederation of Agricultural Producers in 1995, the year in which it was recognized by the National Council of Economy and Labour (CNEL) as the most representative organization of direct farmers, and by the Ministry of Labour as a representative of national importance and, therefore, authorized to keep the Business Register on behalf of the associated producers.  Copagri has economic, associative and service structures involved in the various sectors. Alongside these, the Confederation has set up ad hoc instruments in the fields of technical assistance, agricultural extension, training, tax, social security and administrative and accounting services. In accordance with current legislation on assistance to agricultural producers, the Confederation has set up its own agricultural assistance centre called CAA-CAF AGRI.


Visit the Copagri website


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